Guide to Robotics in the Oil and Gas Industry
This guide is intended for pipeline engineers, inspectors and managers. Scroll down to read or fill in the form and we will send you a PDF copy.
July 2023
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What is a robot?
The definition of robot has changed over the years, from the early 20th century concept of a controllable human-shaped machine to something far more varied, assisted not only by movies and TV shows like Westworld, but by the array of hugely variable robots already deployed throughout modern life. From submersibles roaming the ocean floor to drones delivering groceries to precision robots carrying out complex surgery to giant robotic arms painting and assembling cars, and everything in between, any definition must encompass a vast range of different devices.
“…a machine controlled by a computer that is used to perform jobs automatically…”
The history of robotics
The concept of robots, or automata, has been around since at least Ancient Greek times when the legends of Cadmus and Pygmalion referenced statues coming to life. As Europe industrialised from the 18th century onwards, machines became more common and the idea of ‘mechanical men’ or devices to undertake menial tasks took hold in popular imagination.
In 1898, at Madison Square Gardens, Nikola Tesla demonstrated a prototype robotic submarine controlled by radio waves.
In 1921 a play by Czech playwright Karel Capek, ‘R.U.R.’ (Rossum’s Universal Robots) coined the term ‘robot’, which comes from the Czech word ‘robota’ – ‘work’ or ‘labour’, which took over from automata as the commonly used descriptor. In 1939 Elektro, a humanoid robot, wowed crowds at the World’s Fair and Konrad Zuse constructed the first programmable electro-magnetic computer. Shortly after, in 1940 science fiction author Isaac Asimov came up with his ‘three laws of robotics’.
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm
A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws
During the Second World War, automatic weapons systems including cybernetic elements were designed. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s developments in robotics moved forward at a rapid pace. Inventors introduced transistors, which reduced robot size, and built robots that were digitally operated and programmable, such as George Devol, who sold his ‘Unimate’ robot to GM to be used on a car production line. Robotic arms were developed as aids to disabled people and for industrial purposes.
Robotics vs cybernetics
These two words are often used interchangeably but have different meanings. Robotics refers to the science, technology, manufacture, application and design of robots, whereas cybernetics concerns the science and theory of communication and control in animals and machines.
The 1970s saw the creation of the first autonomous robots, capable of rudimentary reasoning, many of which were deployed in weapons systems. In the 1980s better humanoid robots, able to replicate some movement and some with the ability to synthesise speech, were built in Japan. Cyberknife, a robot-assisted surgical appliance went into production in 1994. In 1997 the robotic Sojourner rover successfully landed on Mars and operated for 83 days. From 2000 onwards development and deployment of industrial robots mushroomed. Enormous advances in space robotics took place, including the Canadarm, which was successfully attached to the International Space Station in 2001 and autonomous flights over the Pacific occurred.
Industrial robots today
Today there are around 2m industrial robots in operation as machine learning and artificial intelligence push the boundaries of what is possible. Modern robots are capable of understanding complex tasks and executing them with higher skill and accuracy than humans. Although robots have so far not destroyed the need for humans in the workplace, there is no doubt that increasing automation in industrial operations has changed work forever.
Robotics in engineering
“‘Robotics is a multidisciplinary field which brings together a number of distinct branches of engineering—including mechanical, electronic, computer, and systems engineering—to support a vast number of industries.’”
Robots are in use across the entire range of engineering fields and applications. Robotics engineering itself combines computer science with many different engineering aspects, including mechatronics, systems engineering, electrician engineering, bioengineering and more.
The five primary areas of robotics
Operator interface – interface to allow communication between human and robot
Mobility or locomotion – wheels, tracks, propellers or even human-type motion
Manipulators and effectors – the ability to manipulate objects separate to the system
Programming – language the operator uses to communicate with the robot
Sensing and perception – using sensors to gather information and understand physical space
Speed, reliability, accuracy, safety
Throughout the engineering industry robots are used to perform repetitive tasks, to perform processes which require a high degree of accuracy and to carry out jobs that are dangerous for humans. With the right programming robots can complete complex tasks more reliably than humans and with almost total accuracy. Many are used in production and assembly lines, particularly in the car industry, where they are capable of performing highly complicated tasks rapidly and accurately, saving money on labour and human error.
Using robots helps engineering companies improve their safety records. Robots can operate in hazardous environments unsuitable for people and can undertake jobs too dangerous for humans. In the oil and gas industry, this includes highly dangerous operations on top of oil wells, connecting pipelines underwater or robotic welding.
Robotics and automation in oil and gas
Robots have been in use in oil and gas production since the 1950s and are now deployed across every area of the industry. Oil and gas production is dangerous and labour intensive – increasing the amount of automated processes using robots has enhanced operations, reduced costs, improved safety and increased the performance of capital-intensive assets such as rigs, vessels and pipelines.
From the beginning, development of automated systems focused on performing repetitive tasks and reducing human exposure to danger. Early automation attempts involved general purpose robots designed to perform multiple tasks. This proved to be the wrong approach and focus switched to building niche robotic systems for specific jobs. Specialist robots are now built for individual tasks in drilling, connecting submerged pipes, welding, inspecting, monitoring, loading and more. Robots take the form of static systems, crawlers, drones and underwater autonomous vehicles.
Since 2014, when the oil price crashed, the industry has been focused on improving efficiency wherever possible and has turned to automation as a way to achieve this. Use of robotics in oil and gas production has increased hugely since then as operators see it as a way to mitigate the risks of a fluctuating oil price.
As robots have become cheaper, smarter and more flexible, the oil and gas industry has become more interested. There is increasing collaboration between oil and gas companies and technology businesses which will help improve efficiency even further. The addition of new technology such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things will mean ever more intelligent robots capable of performing even more complex tasks, reducing costs and improving safety throughout the industry.
Robotics applications in oil and gas
Although the oil and gas sector was not particularly quick to leverage the potential of robotics, in the last decade or so there has been an explosion in the number of robots working in the industry and the amount of processes within which they operate. As oil and gas operators face increasing demands to increase productivity and improve safety, robotics, with its potential to streamline operations, mitigate costs and reduce the need for human employees in hazardous situations, has presented the ideal solution.
Recent improvements in sensors, locomotion methods, navigation and software have revolutionised robotics – the World Economic Forum now predicts that robotics will be the technology with highest growth in oil and gas production.
Dangerous, mundane and repetitive tasks
Major robotics applications in oil and gas are inspection, maintenance and repair, surveillance and coating. Robots are used in all operations, from oil field to pipelines, refinery and even subsea. Robots can undertake dangerous tasks such as checking for noxious gases, fighting fires and monitoring oil spills. They can perform mundane and repetitive jobs like equipment checks and reading gauges more reliably and with a greater degree of accuracy than humans can manage.
Modern robots also come loaded with an array of equipment – cameras, videos and laser sensors – to capture data that can be analysed to improve decision-making, streamline operations and make predictions.
Deployment methods
Robots are deployed in a variety of ways – some are fixed with no requirement to move, others travel using wheels, legs, wings, copter blades, caterpillar tracks or adhesion (magnetic, pneumatic and biomimetic).
Types of robot
Robots come in many shapes and sizes, from enormous robotic arms to tiny drones, and include semi-manual systems such as welding machines and fully autonomous vehicles such as underwater rovers. The most common types in use in oil and gas are:
Drones usually take the form of quadcopters or fixed wing aircraft. Usually operated remotely by ‘pilots’ on the ground – although sometimes operated in autonomous mode and flown in pre-programmed patterns - drones are used for inspection, surveillance and monitoring. They carry sensors, lights and video cameras to collet information on asset condition, particularly in areas that are too dangerous to be inspected by humans. They reduce the need for people to work at height or within confined spaces, or to be exposed to hazardous substances, and diminish costs by removing the requirement for scaffolding.
Other remotely operated vehicles (ROVs)
Other remotely operated vehicles include ground robots that can be driven into position to take on roles such as fighting fires, thus reducing need to expose humans to danger, and equipment monitoring, freeing staff from mundane jobs and allowing them to concentrate on more highly skilled tasks.
Submersible ROVs are usually tethered and carry a range of data capture equipment including video cameras and laser sensors. They can operate without expensive support vessels and are used routinely for underwater inspection, repair, welding and cleaning, reducing the need for human divers.
Autonomous vehicles
Like ROVs, autonomous vehicles come in above ground and submersible varieties. Subsea AVs use control thrusters to allow them to swim around underwater rigs and pipelines, carrying out inspections and performing some maintenance tasks. Above ground AVs include drones (see above) and robots that can travel around an oil rig or platform to measure temperature, read dials and inspect equipment, navigating through tight spaces and even able to climb stairs.
Pipeline robots
Pipeline robots travel through pipelines carrying out inspections. Some drive on wheels or tracks through empty pipes to inspect internal pipe condition and welds, while others are deployed via push rods. Some are tethered with an umbilical cord to deliver power and others are battery operated. Some need pipelines to be dry and some can navigate through oil, gas and deposits. They usually carry a range of inspection equipment to capture data that oil and gas operators can use to analyse pipe or weld condition, plan maintenance, improve safety and extend asset lifetime.
Fixed robots
Used in many stages of oil and gas production, fixed robots are usually semi-autonomous systems that assist human operators with tasks such as pipe loading, welding and pipe-lay.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are a vital part of modern robotics, and in conjunction are a powerful combination that advances robots’ capabilities and role in society. Although the terms are often used interchangeably, they are not the same thing.
Artificial intelligence is defined by thus,
‘…the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.’
Machine learning as,
‘…the use and development of computer systems that are able to learn and adapt without following explicit instructions, by using algorithms and statistical models to analyse and draw inferences from patterns in data.’
In practical terms, AI is the concept that machines can learn to carry out tasks, and machine learning is the application of the computing processes, or algorithms, that enable them to learn.
Robots equipped with AI are more aware of people and of their surroundings. They have motion control that allows them to grasp and manipulate objects, they have machine ‘vision’ using cameras and sensors, they can identify and sort objects, adapt to their environment and carry out a wide variety of tasks.
Machine learning then uses algorithms that enable robots to learn and improve their performance through data collection and passive observation. Algorithms use data to build a model that can make predictions or decisions without being programmed to do so.
AI and machine learning potential in oil and gas
Oil and gas production collects enormous volumes of data and businesses in this sector are starting to realise the opportunities on offer. Countless sensors at every stage of production relay data that is increasingly being used to drive efficiency, improve processes, increase safety and enable predictive maintenance. Companies can use AI and machine learning to spot data trends, identify and mitigate risks, develop warning systems, carry out inspections and recognise leaks.
In theory, machine learning should be able to deliver immense benefits as machines constantly optimise their processes, becoming ever more efficient. In practice, those benefits sometimes fail to materialise because of a range of issues. Sometimes an algorithm can’t access the data it needs – or that data is corrupted, or biased, sometimes it has chosen the wrong task or carried out inadequate evaluation, and sometimes the algorithm is poor and the machine has learned the wrong lesson.
Despite current limitations, machine learning and AI are the future of robotics, and their importance in oil and gas production is guaranteed to rise as energy producers increase reliance on them for improving decision-making and optimising effective operations.
Read more about OMS robots and how our robotic inspection systems help clients increase efficiency, mitigate project risks and reduce costs.
Research and development in the oil and gas industry
Research and development (R&D) is the commercial process of creating new products and/or improving existing ones. In the oil and gas industry, R&D generally focuses on designing and building products and processes that improve safety, help keep the environment safe, increase production and streamline efficiencies.
As fossil fuels become more difficult to locate and extract and the world moves increasingly quickly away from them, oil and gas R&D is particularly invested in maximising the efficiency of assets they already operate and finding ways to move towards renewable energy. Oil and gas extractors must conform to increasingly strict standards and face more environmental pressures than ever before. R&D plays a vital role in helping companies respond to these pressures and continue to improve their services.
Besides oil and gas extractors, oil field service companies have invested even more R&D to develop and improve services and products that help their clients become more efficient, get the most out of their assets, operate more safely and meet those strict specifications. Innovation in this sector is constant, leaving oil field service companies in an excellent position to play a leading role in the transition to renewable energy.
Oil and gas companies are keen to increase automation – the process of minimising human input – through R&D. Automating tasks where possible makes oil and gas facilities simpler, more streamlined and less expensive to run. Furthermore, automating processes such as inspections can reduce the requirement for humans to be present in hazardous energy extraction environments, thus increasing safety. Machines can also carry out some tasks to a greater level of accuracy than humans, thus improving quality while driving efficiency.
Advancements in sensors, motors and affordable navigation systems means there is now a range of robots patrolling oil and gas field operations – drones, submersibles, pipeline crawlers and more are now able to travel throughout sites, sometimes independently, performing maintenance and inspection tasks, collecting data and fixing problems. Fixed automatic systems can carry out tasks such as welding and loading, again reducing the need for human presence in dangerous conditions and speeding up operations. Oil and gas companies often collaborate with service providers or start joint ventures (JVs) to investigate automation possibilities more effectively.
Internet of Things
The Internet of Things is a network of physical objects that are connected to the internet. In homes it could mean smart devices such as TVs, fridges or central heating systems. In energy extraction operations the possibilities for creating smart devices are almost endless. Pipes, tanks, welding systems, loading systems, vehicles, rigs and more can have sensors embedded that are able to collect a vast quantity of data. Companies can use the data to improve safety, manage maintenance, monitor problems like leaks, faulty drilling and oil or gas composition. They can also use the data for business modelling, identifying potential future problems and solving them before they happen, and spotting flaws in processes that can be improved.
OMS AGILITY robotic crawlers - R&D in action
OMS invests heavily in research and development, employing a team of highly qualified and experienced design engineers, mechatronics specialists, prototype experts, precision engineers, software developers, quality managers and more. Led by chief design engineer Jack Parlane, the team conceives, designs and builds equipment, including robotic crawlers, inspection systems and laser measuring devices, mainly for the energy industry. As a business, OMS is focused on innovation and consistently pushes the boundaries of possibility in measurement and inspection techniques and technology. Over a period of several years, our R&D team created an award-winning weld inspection system deployed via sophisticated robotic crawlers that can access welds previously thought unreachable while coping with difficult marine environments and providing comprehensive information on weld condition that helps clients install stronger assets that last longer.
Kashagan – the early stages
In 2009 OMS was approached by one of our customers who asked us to inspect welds in spool pieces on the Kashagan Field project in the Caspian Sea after another supplier had failed to inspect them to the required standard. Traditional weld inspection systems were unable to detect some defects that could have a significant impact on a weld’s condition. The project needed a combined camera and laser system that could identify issues such as concavity and porosity. Combining cameras and lasers was challenging at the time, so early variations had two separate tools for visual and laser technology. The 8LV was the first system we built that combined both, but this was quickly superseded by the AUGA, the first iteration of our award-winning weld inspection system.
The AUGA used HD camera and laser sensors to build a comprehensive picture of a weld. It was a useful device, but at 3m long and 300kg it was heavy, unwieldy and difficult to transport. We could see there was a considerable market for this kind of weld inspection service and knew we would need to advance the technology rapidly so it could reach smaller diameter and more complex piping.
Progressively lightweight and more capable – the AUGA.lite onwards
By 2017, OMS had developed the AUGA.lite, which, at 1m long and 30kg, could be transported fairly easily in an airline hold case. In 2019 we released our latest iteration, the AUGA.node. With a cylindrical body less than 30cm long and 10cm across, the AUGA.node weighs only a few kg and can be carried in airline hand luggage. Fully equipped with the latest ultra-HD cameras and state-of-the-art lasers, the AUGA.node provides the most comprehensive weld information on the market and is able to access complex pipeline systems from 120mm to 2000mm.
The AUGA.node – technical information
The AUGA.node is deployed using our AGILITY range of robotic crawlers, which were developed simultaneously. We knew the AUGA.node would need to be capable of inspecting pipelines with different diameters and complicated systems of bends, elbows and vertical sections because that is where some of the most critical welds are located. The crawlers had to be robust enough to handle harsh offshore environments, reliable enough to manage 24/7 operation on long energy projects and easy for our operators to use. After a thorough design and testing process our R&D department built the AGILITY range of crawlers. Capable of navigating pipelines from 120mm to 2000mm+, the AGILITY.max, .mini and .micro crawlers are powerful, high-speed wheeled robots able to traverse complex pipeline sections such as spool pieces and stalk tie-ins. All three crawlers are equipped with front- and rear-driven modules and multiple DC motors with proportional control, which delivers high pulling force combined with precise positioning capabilities. They have built-in compliant mechanisms that adapt to variations in pipe shape and size, keeping the crawler centred in the pipe in all orientations.
In-house software development
Operated with Xbox controllers, the AGILITY crawler range uses control software developed by in-house specialists led by software manager Ian Frankham-Wells. The program locates the weld region prior to scanning and provides a real-time view of camera/laser information. Data collected is sent back to OMS WeldAnalysis software, which provides visualisations of camera and laser data that allow clients to make better and quicker decisions, provide a record for regulatory compliance and can be analysed for business process improvement, predictive maintenance and cost savings possibilities. OMS’s software team also provides bespoke software to suit individual client requirements and can integrate client or third-party systems.
Global success and diversification into new markets
Now used successfully in major energy projects all over the world, OMS’s AGILITY crawlers combined with the AUGA.node have expanded the boundaries of possibility and revolutionised weld inspection. OMS can now inspect welds throughout pipelines that were previously considered ‘uninspectable’, allowing contractors and energy extraction companies to build stronger, safer pipelines, meet strict project specifications and be reassured that their assets are in the best possible condition. OMS has recently achieved a milestone and inspected internal welds in J-tubes intended for a large offshore wind farm in Europe.
SmartGrind – the latest addition
OMS has recently launched SmartGrind, a modular addition to the AUGA.node weld inspection system, that identifies and quantifies welds that are out-of-specification then uses a mounted flap disc to carry out repairs on defects such as spatter and excess penetration, before re-scanning to confirm weld quality.
Where next for robotics in oil and gas
Millions of robots now operate across all parts of the oil and gas industry and their numbers will only increase as companies find new systems and processes to automate, morwe ways to reduce human exposure to danger and new ways to improve business efficiency. We predict that the number of robots involved in inspection will continue to increase rapidly, particularly as autonomous robots improve and take over more tasks that mean companies can reduce human exposure to hazardous situations and reach more difficult to inspect areas. We also expect industry collaborations between robotics vendors and top tier energy extraction companies to increase as the extractors look to develop their own robotic solutions.
Robotics-as-a-Service (RaaS) is a relatively new concept that is gaining more impact. It allows companies to rent robots as and when they need them, thus reducing expense and lowering the cost of entry, allowing more businesses to take advantage of robots. Customers do not have to bear the expense of maintenance or of technology becoming obsolete and vendors can look after their products properly according to their own standards and methods. Successful models look likely to ape the ubiquitous Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) approach, proven so successful in the software sphere, and use a subscription-based system.
Robotics in renewable energy
Robots are already just as important in renewable energy as they are in oil and gas, taking on a wide variety of tasks that they are able to complete more safely and effectively than humans. For example, wind turbine blades are painted by robots because they apply the paint more accurately and evenly. Uneven paint application can stop the blades balancing properly. Blades are usually welded with robotic systems that ensure production consistency and because their unusual design makes manual welding very difficult. Hydroelectric blades are also usually welded automatically because of their enormous size and because their complex design requires precision that human operators are unable to match.
Other examples include drones to deice wind turbine blades, keeping human employees safe on the ground while preventing ice-related reduction in efficiency, which can be up to 80%, submersible robots to monitor subsea equipment deterioration and autonomous inspection vehicles to monitor radiation levels in nuclear plants.
Robots can benefit renewable energy in the same ways that they can oil and gas – improving safety, decreasing costs, increasing efficiency and improving production. If production costs for renewable energy come down, it becomes more affordable for everyone and take-up is likely to increase. Robots are likely to have a huge role to play in carbon capture, CO² and hydrogen pipelines in the near future.
Robotics at OMS
OMS designs and builds robots mainly for the energy industry. Our robots have been used in major energy projects all over the world for many years. If you have a challenge you think we could help with our team is always available to discuss. Contact them on